Monday, November 21, 2011


This past Sunday my boyfriend surprised me with a dozen red roses. :) I was a bit overwhelmed with all of them...I would have been happy with one, but now I have 12 beautiful reminders of how Awesome God is. <3

I kept looking at them today and going "those are mine ^_^. Not Mom's or Sharon's, but mine. <3"  

My boyfriend does not think flowers serve much of a purpose, but for me, they are physical reminders that I can touch and see to remind me of his love and God's grace. I grow more grateful for them every time they catch my eye. :) 

One rose in particular has a pink stripe on it that looks like a long heart. That was totally a God thing. <3 It made my heart soar to see that color mixed in with the red. (Pink is my favorite color but I don't mind a red rose now and then... ^_^. ) 

I wish I could say that whole day was like seeing that special rose, but it had its share of rotten (or selfish) petals. Praise God for His Faithfulness!!! He helped us snip them off before we said good-bye and goodnight. It is not the easiest thing to loose a piece of who you thought you were to become who He made you to be. But believe me, it is worth more than all the flowers in the world. <3 

Forever and Always, 
 ~ His Pearl Of Praise~